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The Drentsche Patrijshond

The Drentsche Patrijshond is a Dutch versatile sporting breed that was founded on three pillars; hunting, watchdog, and companion.


 The Drent should hunt all manner of feather and fur; including both upland and waterfowl.


The Drent hunts within range of the gun and has proven adaptable to the varied terrain of North American hunting, from the tight confines and densely grown coulees of Arizona while hunting Mearns quail to the wide open prairie ranges of New Mexico and Idaho hunting Scaled quail or Sharptail grouse. A Drent should also be a reliable retriever on land and water.


Though not all Drents will be hunting dogs, all Drents love to use their nose and need plenty of physical and mental exercise. 


Historically, the Drent was expected to "alert bark" to visitors to the Dutch farmer's homestead. While they should never be fearful or aggressive, it is common for a Drent to be reserved with strangers - at least until they are properly introduced.


Drents tend to believe they are "helpful" and thus love to be involved in whatever it is you are doing, whether it involves a dog or not!


Drents can and do successfully live with other pets, including dogs, cats, and all manner of farm animals. As they are a hunting breed, appropriate care should be taken to establish boundaries with small animals.

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The Drent is much beloved as an excellent family dog. They bond closely to their people, and are affectionate and loyal companions, especially with children.


Drents are highly intelligent and trainable, and thrive when provided the opportunity to work with their owners toward a shared purpose. Training should be kept varied and positive to be most effective.


Drents are joyful and happy dogs, who when properly exercised have a lovely "off switch" in the home. They do mature slowly, and require a sense of humor, consistency, and patience to develop to their potential.

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Drents have an easy, wash-and-wear coat that is soft and non-oily. To keep a Drent looking their best, all they need is a weekly brush and nail trim. Optionally, one may strip the sunbleached hair from a Drent's ears and trim the fur between their toes.


A Drent's coat is best when they are left intact; a spay or neutered Drent's coat will require more regular brushing and stripping.


As intelligent hunting dogs, Drents thrive when provided the opportunity to work both their mind and body. Best when both can be combined, such as through hunting, free-running in nature, or training for performance sports.


Properly fulfilled on a regular basis, a Drent can go for as long as you want or settle calmly in the home.

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